Why the name 'Timecrystal'? Conceptualized by Frank Wilczek*, a time crystal is a new form of matter. Unlike the usual kinds, it displays a pattern that repeats not just in space but also in time. The crystal's uniqueness lies in its perpetual motion, never settling into equilibrium, even at its lowest energy state. This continuous movement results from atoms oscillating in a consistent rhythm without any external energy input. Time crystals hold potential to provide new insights into our understanding of time and the nature of matter.
My attraction to innovation inspired this name. Beyond that, the constant motion symbolising the ever-evolving Universe and us, the concept of time representing moments I immortalize with my camera, and the crystalline clarity echoing the lenses I employ deeply resonated with me.

The logo you see was crafted through a blend of Midjourney AI and Photoshop expertise. After numerous prompts and iterations, the AI began to grasp the essence of my vision. I sought to depict a crystal encompassing both a lens and an hourglass, symbolizing the fusion of time, clarity, and vision. The final result embodies this unique concept.
*Frank Wilczek is a theoretical physicist and the Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at the MIT. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004 for his work on the theory of the strong force.